Membership Dues
Happy New WRPC Members,
As a reminder, the WRPC Membership year runs from Jan 1 through December 31. Your 2018 Membership fee remains at $80 for General Membership and $40 for Seniors and is due now. The gate combo and access to the Membership Only side of the WRPC website will be changed effective February 1. You may pay your dues online at using any major credit card or PayPal. Once your dues are paid, you will have immediate access to the gate code and all areas of the website. This year, in an effort to save money on postage and printing, we will not be sending out Membership Cards except by special request. Instead, after you have paid your dues online you will be immediately redirected to a webpage that will provide you with the gate code and a Membership Card for you to print out at home. If you have any questions please call Kevin Rice VP Membership at 802-457-2364.
We look forward to seeing you on the range,
Kevin Rice
VP Membership